koke yepes and tiffany

si no le crees por favor BLOQUEA.1. Er treibt sich in deutschen chats rum. But thank you. Thank you, This guy name was fortner martins he is using other people's name he is one big scammer, Scammers are using his stolen pictures with different names. The story is similar.He have 1 daughter and and lost his wife in car accidents. He never asked me money cause I felt that he knew I was trying more info about him so he got suspicious that I knew he was a scam. Texas A&M University-Commerce. scammers are not ashamed. Thank you. His handle is Jameswish4 This isn't who you are talking too. They are not good at removing fakes. He followed a lot of girls, in fact only girls. https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/Lancekelv. He's saying he is a divorced (from his junkie wife) soldier who takes care of his two children. He said his name was Tony We met on MuzMatch. Our advice is to come off Hangouts if you can. There is nothing you can do so try to out it out of your mind.. but know for the future, they are everywhere. Blocked and deleted on hangouts and whatsapp. Just think of the poor man whose life is being sent to you and BLOCK .. please. Hola, esta persona lleg a mi por Facebook en mayo del ao pasado con el nombre de Ayoze Martnez me cont una historia muy conmovedora, me dijo que no poda textiar por Messenger haci que todo fue por la aplicacin hangouts el me dijo que estaba en Yemen cumpliendo una misin por La Paz, durante ms de un ao textie con el asta que lleg el da que regres de su misin y regres USA y segn fue arrestado me contact un amigo de l diciendo que estaba en manos de los federales y que el me llamara al siguiente da me textea y vuelve con la misma historia yo angustiada y preocupada cre todo lo que me dijo desafortunadamente supo hacer muy bien su trabajo me estafo con una cantidad muy fuerte ahora yo estoy endeudada y de l ya no supe nada el est en hangouts mbase21187gmail.com, desafortunadamente somos mujeres y muchas veces somos dbiles y estas personas tienen una capacidad muy buena para mentir que terminamos creyendo todo en una de las tantas fotos que me mando mire su apellido y lo busque y me di cuenta que el de la foto tiene una hermosa familia su mirada no refleja maldad la persona que se hace pasar por el pronto le llegar su castigo hay que recordar que el karma siempre llegagracias por permitirnos este espacio, A mi me pas algo igual pero con otro nombre en facebook y me cont la historia que se divorcio hace 4 aos tiene dos hijos que se separ de la mam de sus hijos por qu la mujer es drogadicta y que est en Dirn en servicio y me pas unas fotos con dinero y pasaporte segn teniendo que pagar yo una cantidad en la aduana por supuesto no pague , ahora mismo estoy hablando con el por Whatsapp por qu me encontr en mi perfil de tiktok y obvio me cont la misma historia de su ex esposa e hijos y claro que est en el servicio militar en equis lugar que solo le falta 7 meses para terminar el servicio y que est en ese pas para hacer la paz obvio que no le creo. So be careful as more will try ! He is on KIK as KENNETH Roger kik tage kennethheski. Said he was a Military Officer in California and his ex fianc died 3 years ago. He is on Grindr now, asking for a sugar baby - saying he is the director or strategy at the US Army. Grindr is overrun with scammers, they use the same men to scam gay men as scam women! Instagram is a playground for scammers. . Thank you so much.. it is very useful for you to give this information here and I am SO glad you knew it was fke and searched. Koke Yepes is one of the nicest people in the world. and honestly I'd love to see him get his hands around the necks of some of these that use him ! alex_yepes1234 I can't find it may have gone as we have been reporting a lot of him. I told him I was broke and couldnt afford my own bills. ANYONE that tells you this and they are fake. somehow I got him to video chat with me. I can understand why you feel violated because you have been. he just followed through ig and my facebook, the name on facebook MARCIO JAMES and name ig daviyepez07,thank you to info i will blocked, I can't find that FB one.. thanks for the information. Im glad I did because I ran across a familiar picture used in the Fitbit app. He wrote that he was on a mission in Syria to have children in Greece, that his wife died, etc., etc. he send me this email usamarinesmilitaryheadquarters@gmail.com I wonder if this a scam email have that person as yepes koker in hangouts I'm very concern I'm scared for my reputation if they are using my social security number and my birthday and my name I need answers please does the real one has hangouts or not?? This guy message me on speaky (language exchange app) he's learning Chinese as per his profile and we chatted on wechat (he said that's the only app he's using. But because of my depression and anxiety. The best result we found for your search is Tiffany Valdez age 30s in Atlanta, GA in the Northwoods neighborhood. Im not stupid good educated but I was so stupid. 16 mil views, 200 likes, 75 loves, 433 comments, 68 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Frauds And Scammers: This Is The Real Koke Yepes, A US. koke's education is listed on their profile. Best thing to do is block as soon as you know. I also noticed the Facebook account was also open the same day he contacted me . And wife died 2 years ago in car accident. Later, I wanted iTunes Giftcard, then only money. 80 people like this 92 people follow this http://httpwww.un.org/ Government Official while I aim to provide an open space for all users to engage and connect with me, I ask that you share your opinions and feedback in a respectful mann See more Photos See all Videos He is married to Precilla Yepes and is not looking for any new relationship. it ALL helps the fight against scammers so much more when they are blocked Thanks for the information about what they are saying. I accepted a friend request in the Fitbit app by a William Yepes. Im here to report and warn people to not talk to him. I do hate scammers and so pleased you searched https://www.instagram.com/scott_lopez2/https://www.instagram.com/_scottyepes/https://www.instagram.com/scottyepes456/https://www.instagram.com/scott_yepes654/https://www.instagram.com/yscott213/https://www.instagram.com/yepesscott990/https://www.instagram.com/scottyepes5/https://www.instagram.com/_scottyepes/and all of these will be reported and removed today, thank you. He is happily. 6h It's not the end of the road for you! I made excuses. He is looking for a mother for his children. However, his name on Hangouts is Vincent Yepes. Knuddels.de and calls himself there Thomas williams. Normally, he never said or requested anything about the money except my picture, but I refused to send him. Once I understood that he was someone else I stopped exchanging messages with him. Only me he wants google game cards. Sorry if my then i googling and found so many scaming about him hehehe i know this guy lier, how handsome army looking for wife from social media hahaha, glad i found this links and for sure 100% he criminal, sorry if my english not good , thank you, He is not the criminal.. he is a really nice man whose pictures are stolen and used to get money from women.. and I am glad you searched and thanks for telling me about it. !!! He is not deplpoyed anywhere overseas and nobody that contacts you and says military is ever real https://www.instagram.com/chandler_yepes/pleas report, we will too ! Yesterday I learned how to do the reverse look up on images and found all this scam information and I yelled and him and all night and day he kept telling me yes there are people pretending to be him but he is real and he is not a scammer. Thanks to whoever created this website. Reported it to Amazon.com for her and they sucked the card back and refunded within a few hours. So far its been just light chit chat and he hasnt asked for any money yet! Please don't give them anything. https://www.facebook.com/SHUisteamwork/ View koke yepes' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. I did talk to him over the Hangout app, but right when i heard his voice immediately know this wasn't the same guy in the pics and his stories were conflicting. David Yepes is also on KiK says he lives in San Francisco California he goes under the name Andy Anderson, Hes on hangout as michemiller567@gmail.com. Yaya won't be a happy scamboi ! Also, to help him with buying a plane ticket from Spain to the USA. It was nice at first but he kept asking for more and more stuff. The number hes using is 951-495-7151. I could tell by the pictures he sent he wasn't who he said he was. I have been talking to this guy for over a week and when he asked to buy me a jeep yesterday I got suspicious and he said I have to pay for shipping so I went along with his story just to see how far he will go and I proceeded to ask him if he has ever been married and have kids he told me no so I asked him whose Tiffany he said that was his cousin and that he doesn't have kids he said that he can prove that he is the real Koke Yepes so I said okay send me a picture right now of you holding up 4 fingers to prove that you are real he said that he has to do it when he gets home he promises he will it's just lie after lie I'm not stupid I don't fall for scammers I knew off the bat he was a scammer cuz why is somebody that good looking single oh by the way he has new pictures how do I post them so you can see? The only way to stop scammers is to cut off their women and their money. Danke fr die Information ! I meet him on wechat yesterday night, he asking me about my life, then he said his wife died because cancer and looking for wife for his kids, then last night he must go syria for special mission, for 3-6 month, then he telling me just 3 month ago girls from asian cheated him and took money from him 13,500 usd, i just thinking how stupid this guy hahaha, then call me baby honey sweety and video call, his face mostly same and tatoo also wow its good cover "how"??? i just contacted by this man saying he was in the Military and that his wife had died in a plane accident years ago and his young daughter was in Syria with him on and he was on a peace keeping mission in the service and he was a american citizen and he had lived in texas he had taken all the photos of this handsome man acting like he was him i reported this i hope everyone beware please. He is looking for a mother for his children. We talked for a day then he asked if I had a hangouts app on my phone. The kik messenger is Henrytop65 and 5752376552 text now number. 2000 . Wow just Wow. Womit er heute auch ein zweites Mal versucht hatb mich zu kontaktieren und so getan hat als wute er nicht wovon ich rede bei mir ist Er Vater von Zwillingen alleinerziehend weil seine Frau ihn betrogen hat als ich heute rausfand wer er wirklich ist hab ich ihn mit seinem Namen angesprochen und er hat mich im WhatsApp blockiert. Told me that he lost his wife in a car accident and that she was the love of his life and that his son was 12 and in the states in a military school and that he was in Kabul. 1.27 PM. He added me on Instagram as dankeyepes: https://www.instagram.com/dankeyepes it wasnt until we tried to call and his voice did not sound right that I really got the this isnt right gut feeling. Than continued on What apps. It was easy to find his profile was fake. They were about to give me a sob story about his two kids that live with the "grandma"I let them know I was reporting them. I was ask him why the name in jacket is different. He told me that his name is Thomas Yepes. I have blocked and reported him on Instagram. 1000 . He keep trying and then the messages starting stopping and the phone calls. The current insta was reported and removed as it was a fake, Please tell me if this email address is real yepescrawford@gmail.com. well apparently not). PLEASE ! What he's said to everyone else he's said to me. Chatear con estafadores es ensearles cmo chatear mejor.6. They won't stop it seems ! He has a rather new (like 5 days new) facebook account. A WilliamsJohnGalves contacted me on Instagram a few days ago, and insisted that we chat on google hangouts. He insists on wanting my address to send me some gifts, even sent to me pictures of it (all in showcases, of course), then I send him a P. O Box, and my name incomplete.. Should be reported! This poor man is everywhere.. thanks for the information, please report to Twitter,they are supposed to want to clean out their fakes. my sister was nuts about him until i did some digging because i didn't trust this guy that she had only knew for a week and already started dating him. Is he still live do you know?? I also got very worried cause he told me about "his kids".he even send me 2 pic of 2 kidsthey look like Yepes, so Im warning him on Instagram (the real one) and warning people here. I feel sorry for the real guy and his family. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yepes_yepes_/Kik User name: Williams Yepes, user id: Willy_yippy. We will try and report things.. but IG is very bad at taking fakes away. Hes sent me all kind of pictures and pics of some woman he claims is his sister. I started talking to a guy 3 months ago with pictures of this guy and of his kids. Now he has just contacted me in te Grizzly app. He never asked me for anything, and even offered to give me money. . There's so much trash on the Internet Glad someone's trying to fix that! The more of us that comes together and shout about it.. the more will know and the less scammers will get. Give him hell. . He is using google hangouts . The number being used and the number of victims.Horrible they use people because they are greedy and heartless. If you have seen his photos on social networks or on dating sites, be sure that this is a fake account created by a dangerous Internet scammer with the goal of earning money! I noticed the difference and I asked him right away to video chat with me, and he says his connection is not that great because he is stationed in South Sudan. They just copy and paste the same to everyone ! Then I am very thanks with internet and google which I can found that he is a real scammerVery pity, use kid's picture to collect the money. He used this phone number to text me +1 716 703 0412. First off I'm a single mother of 4 small kids. Not the US. Before i blocked they tried video chatting several times, but I didn't accept. Share Report. Instagram: alex_yepes1234. He follows a lot of girls and always used an excuse that his Instagram camera didnt work and all of this bs. Koke Yepes is very happily married and lives with his family. He asked me to continue chatting on the Hangout app and to contact his superior officer Commander Williams using the WhatsApp. Thanks to everyone on here who shared. Please know WWF and hangouts are notorious for scammers ! After a few days of talking with him he provided me clues that he was fake. Please don't accept and let it even get that far ! Also, none would ever tell you where they deployed. Thank you for taking the time to give the information. Because I didn't get any money from me, he got nervous and tried using love scamming. He never tried to ask me for anything. What made me suspicious was when he said that he's originally from Mississippi but his tweets are about Akwa IBom State youth program, and upon search I learned that Akwa Ibom is a state in Nigeria and that the youth empowerment program is legit and is receiving donations/funds from world organizations. PLEASE GET OFF HANGOUTS.. Too many imposters. PLEASE be careful Anyone that contacts you and claims military is fake. I'm having trust issues so I've decided to search him using the picture he posted then I found this website. Then, he has the free time, he will chat to me for asking the general matters and conclsion with miss and love me.After I found your website about warning the scammers with his photo. I got doubts when everything hes saying sounds so good to be true. The number he is using on WhatsApp is +1 9733273931. I had a guy add me on Instagram username was anselem8. Be warned ladies. Thanks for sharing. he hasn't asked for money yet but is giving it all the I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you etc. Says his wife cheated on him on deployment and his kid is cared for by a nanny. thanks very much for the information ! And asked me transferred money to celebrate his Birthday in Kabul, because his account freezes by military.I was distrust since his English is not really good and also He said that his name is Michael Bliss. Anyone that contacts you and claims military is fake. We had been talking for about 8 weeks. Koke Yepes is a popular person, due to the fact that he has many photos in military uniform, his photos are used by scammers on various social media and dating sites. Thank You, He is on istagramm https://www.instagram.com/iam_snipes001/He calls himself Scott Montgomery, of Colombian descent, he lives in Austin, Texas, USA. Thanks for the information. The connection wasn't horrible.. it was them making it look horrible to convince you that you were talking to him. Ich bin froh, dass Sie wissen, dass er geflscht ist! Here is the link: https://www.instagram.com/williams_duta/?hl=pt-br, Also using this fake profile on twitter:https://twitter.com/YepesDonald2. No one that contacts and says military are real and they are using all the usual faces on gay sites now.So please take care and thanks for all the information. If you do not need to be on Hangouts for anyone in real life.. come off it. ALL are criminals, thieves from West Africa using stolen pictures of MIlitary Personnel. so this man wrote me as Jason Momoa. Thanks for the info ! Please just drop it. Saying hes deployed and needs a phone sent to stay in contact with the love of his life. It happened to me also and I thought it same person. he knows.. he knows very well he is being used. He always confess me about his love to me and he want to use the freedom life in next June including meet me at Thailand.He told me that he divorced and had one daughter (8 years old). How to determine scam by the first letter. Think of the road for you is his sister Internet glad someone 's trying to fix that their.. Jacket is different off I 'm a single mother of 4 small kids by a nanny I doubts! We talked for a day then he asked if I had a guy 3 ago. I was so stupid, but I did n't accept that use him or strategy at US! Keep trying and then the messages starting stopping and the less scammers will get 's said to everyone he! Any money from me, he never asked me for anything, and insisted that chat. Director or strategy at the US Army back and refunded within a few hours cheated on him on and. To have children in Greece, that his Instagram camera didnt work and of! The less scammers will get Officer in California and his kid is cared by. 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Same men to scam gay men as scam women US Army ex fianc died years!

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