marine corps ocs dates 2022

Board eligible records continue to be updated until the convening date of the board; however, Marines are highly encouraged to submit all materials no later than two weeks prior to the board convening date. d. The Marine's current Enlisted Active Service date exceeds the OCC 242 graduation date, on or about March 25, 2023. Failure to provide acceptance letter and begin attendance within one year of OCS graduation, will result in disenrollment from MECEP. a. Marines are directed to use references (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i), and the OCS website listed in paragraph 3e for specific requirements concerning arrival information, dress codes, required gear, grooming standards, fitness reports, medical requirements, administrative requirements, physical fitness test (PFT) scoring, and fitness preparation. The POC sheet can be found on the MCRC website referenced in paragraph 3f. Changes will be provided in the OCC notification emails to scheduled Marines. The MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC in paragraph 3f. Twilley, Christopher M. 0369 For this reason, MECEP students are highly encouraged to pursue degrees within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curriculums in order to qualify for these graduate education and fellowship opportunities. REF (P) IS MCO 1610.7A, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (SHORT TITLE: PES). For information about pre-existing relationships and familial relationships, contact your local staff judge advocate office. REF (K) IS MCO 1524.1 THE MARINE CORPS GRADUATE EDUCATION PROGRAM (MCGEP). Select "Marine Officer", then "Naval and Enlisted Programs". NAME PMOS Recommend all qualified Marines reapply for future boards if not selected. Campbell, Brendan M. 2336 Brown, Dylan T. 0311 2008 Elliot Road Quantico, VA 22134-5030 REF/B/MSGID: DOC/MCRCO 1100.2A G-3/YMD: 20160111// Release authorized by Major General Jason Q. Bohm, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command.//, CALENDAR YEAR 2022 MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND ENLISTED TO OFFICER ANNOUNCEMENT SELECTION BOARDS, Date Signed: 12/22/2021 | MARADMINS Number: 731/21, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - date : 088/22: navy league of the united states fiscal year 2022 admiral vern clark and general james l. jones safety awards . OMPF documents can also be mailed to MMRP; however, inclusion into the OMPF is substantially faster if the documents are either emailed or faxed. Per references (o) and (p), Marines are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of their OMPFs and master brief sheet (MBS) at least two weeks prior to date of scheduled board applying. e. Records and Performance Branch. Baca, Jonathan A. 11. Marines currently serving on a special duty will continue until ordered to OCS. RECP and MCP-R applicants are not eligible to apply for aviation. Orders will not be requested if the timeframe from receipt of acceptance letter to MCRC and the NROTC-affiliated school no later than date provided at OCS by MCRC POC is not a least 60 days, or if the acceptance letter is not signed by the admission office. All drops are conditionally retained in their respective programs unless it is their second unsuccessful attempt or not recommended to return to OCS. Withers, Cody J. 5831 0481 The FMF Warfare Insignia . k. Fitness report date gaps. Once orders are Training and Education Command (TECOM) approved, scheduled Marines are required to provide to the MCRC POC five days prior to the report date one of the following: The CO, OCS, can recommend an OCS class outside the authorized 10-week class for E-O applicants who are dropped from OCS however, CG MCRC, is the final adjudicating official. 16. Binda, Blake F. 1371 c. Commands and Marines are directed to use the OCS website referenced in paragraph 3e and the MCRC website referenced in paragraph 3f of this MARADMIN. In the event DOD Safe will not accommodate your submission, the application and medical files must be sent unencrypted to the OMB email. Marines who receive acceptance letters close to the end of the fiscal year, in the event of a government shutdown, or incorrect status codes may experience a delay in orders due to funding restrictions or code corrections. Parent Commands of selected Marines must ensure the following: Col. Huber flew a UC-35D Citation Encore one final time as commanding officer, just three days ahead of relinquishing command of the air station on Aug. 5, 2022 . All Marines will complete the Tattoo Screening Form (TSF) and Statement of Understanding (SOU). (a) 17-20 - 1 4 Cheap dish rags. Deployment is not a reasonable justification for any type of extension. Letters of intent will not suffice for this requirement. No modifications or alterations have been made to either the original document or this copy". POC/MS. Marines who are not contacted 30 days prior to a scheduled OCC will be automatically deferred by MCRC to a future OCC. Wallace, Jeremiah E. 0521 17. (MAl/f), Force Fitness Instructor Courses (FFIC), and Marine Corps Instructor Water Survival Courses (MCIWS). The mission of Officer Candidates School is to train, evaluate, and screen officer candidates to ensure they have what it takes to lead Marines. The MECEP Inbound Checklist is located under "General Forms". Marines shall utilize the MCRC websites to obtain the current OCS Preship Preparation Letter, checklist, and other OCS pertinent information, as these letters and forms change for each class. La Voie, Aaron M. 4133 3043 SUBJ/CALENDAR YEAR 2022 (CY22) MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND ENLISTED TO OFFICER SELECTION BOARD TWO RESULTS// MCRC POC will provide official notification of drop reason with next course of action upon receipt of official drop package from OCS. Terrack, Taliah T. 0411 This also applies to deployed Marines. A copy of the TSF and SOU may be found on the MCRC website referenced in paragraph 2 under "General Forms". Any updates received after this deadline will not be seen by the board. OCC is a 10-week commissioning program in Quantico, VA for college seniors and graduates interested in earning the title as a United States Marine Officer. All updated documentation must be forwarded to the MCRC POC for tracking purposes. d. The Commandant's Education Board, which selects Marine Officers to attend graduate schools between the grades of first lieutenant and major, requires Marines to have qualifying calculus and science classes for selection to certain Postgraduate School, Air Force Institute of Technology, and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) programs (e.g. The mission of Officer Candidates School (OCS) is to educate and train officer candidates in Marine Corps knowledge and skills within a controlled and challenging environment in order to evaluate and screen individuals for the leadership, moral, mental, and physical qualities required for commissioning as a Marine Corps officer. All updated documentation must be forwarded to the MCRC POC for tracking purposes. Bourgeois II, Kenneth W. 2336 Per reference (k), official photos are no longer accepted. Baker, William D. 6672 13. Pendleton No promotion style photographs will be submitted with an application. This MARADMIN is cancelled upon the release of the next result MARADMIN. 3. These FY22 MPP dates are subject to change. Step 2: Ensure that you have a current Annual Verification Form and HIV on file. Official correspondence will provide guidance that is required for resubmission to MCRC to forward to BUMED or to be rescheduled for an OCC. All scheduled Marines will hand carry their medical records. 3043 RECP and MCP-R Marines notified of attendance to an OCC must contact Reserve Affairs (RAM) at commercial (703) 784-9136 or email or for orders-writing instructions. Marines are directed to forward a courtesy copy of the initial requests with parent command endorsement, electronically, to MCRC POC pending receipt of all endorsements. End of Active Service waivers will be considered on a case-by-case basis with supporting documentation of extension or reenlistment. NAME PMOS REF/H/MSGID: DOC/CSA/YMD: NOT DATED// SUBJ/CALENDAR YEAR 2022 (CY22) MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND ENLISTED TO OFFICER ANNOUNCEMENT SELECTION BOARDS// Lemke, Michael A. d. Marines on non-local funded travel (over 50 miles) must provide a copy of approved DTS or DD Form 1610 orders with the TECOM line of accounting in accounting classification or Include the signed checklist with the application. 15. RECP and MCP-R Marines notified of attendance to an OCC must contact Reserve Affairs (RAM) at commercial (703) 784-9136 or email or for orders-writing instructions. R 201800Z MAY 22 Marines who do not meet the program and medical requirements at the time of application are ineligible and must apply to a future board once requirements are met. a. REF/J/MSGID: DOC/CMC MPO/YMD: 20211029// David was a Sergeant with the United States Marine Corps from 2011-2016. Chains of Command are not authorized to review a Marine's medical information except as authorized by the above policies. In accordance with reference (k), no promotion style photographs will be submitted and tattoo photographs will be considered for waivers only and will not be briefed during the selection board. ECP 0231 Use the 'drop off option' and follow the directions to upload and submit. h. Marines neglecting to update their OMPF, and Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) accounts. OCS is designed to test you, to Webb, Charles K. 1341 0231 An update must be provided if there are any changes to the original POC sheet to include personnel changes. (2) Push ups minimum is 34 reps The mentors will ensure they are aware of and prepared for the expectations at OCS, The Basic School (TBS), and life as a Company Grade Officer. Gen. Langley, who began his career in the Marine Corps as an artillery officer in 1985, is the first Black Marine to be promoted to the rank of General. *Denotes an update to the OCS FY22 MPP dated 27 February 2022. Toler, Tyrae A. b. REF (L) IS MARADMIN 369/21 CLARIFICATION ON THE REQUIREMENT FOR OFFICIAL PHOTOS// Hillyer, AndrewJ. The MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC website at Below re the additional PFT event requirements for males and females. Marines who are "not recommended" for program consideration at the GO level are ineligible and their applications should not be submitted to MCRC. Ensure information is annotated in the PFT portion of the checklist. Au 10 septembre 2022, la fin de l' offensive ukrainienne prs de Kharkiv, les forces terrestres russes engages contre l'Ukraine sont : en Bilorussie et dans l' oblast de Briansk, des units des 5e, 35e, 36e et 41e armes ; autour de Belgorod, au nord de Kharkiv, les units de la 6e arme, avec des dtachements de la 1re arme de . Program Last Name_EDIPI Med (ECP JONES_0123456789 Med) Once augmented, Marines are directed to provide an updated Basic Individual Record reflecting the component change to the MCRC POC. This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force. 0311 Formal requests to attend school outside of directed semester starts per reference (d) are not authorized except for PCA moves or extenuating medical circumstances. 2641 No waivers or exceptions will be considered for early semester starts outside the above listed policy. Secret clearances are valid for up to 10 years and top secret clearances are valid for up to 5 years. Marines are advised that the OMPF and MBS are distributed to the board room at least one week before the board convening date. REF (L) IS SECNAVINST 5510.30C, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY PERSONNEL SECURITY PROGRAM. Tooman, Jordan R. 0241 Additional information. Marines who are not in receipt of OCS orders when completing the checklist will mark "No" for question 27 and annotate, "awaiting medical qualification and/or funding letter. Questions concerning funding should be directed to the email located in the funding letter or the Marine's DTS administrators, not MCRC. 3. Private areas are defined as any portion of the body that is covered by the PT uniform. 4. All scheduled Marines will hand carry their medical records. Do not contact MCRC until after receipt of official correspondence. Mcdonald, Tate M. 1371 Hockert, Chandler T. 6257 OMPF customer Service, 703-784-3906/3907 9. Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF). You do not need a Facebook account to access this page or its content. Each additional submission of medical information forwarded by the Marine, will restart the 30 day process for medical determinations at BUMED and NAMI. Officer candidates who are dropped or otherwise do not successfully graduate OCS will return to their parent commands or directed duty stations. 4821 Marines who require additional medical documents will be contacted by the MCRC POC. Once augmented, Marines are directed to provide an updated Basic Individual Record reflecting the component change to the MCRC POC. All offenses, regardless of date of incident(s), must be disclosed. 6258 a. Okeefe, Steven E. 0311 Funding. Antigua Jr, Jose L. 6423 Requests to submit incomplete applications and medical before the deadlines will not be entertained. Below are the report and graduation dates for the FY 22 Basic Officer Courses (BOC), . REF (D) IS MARADMIN 731/21 ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CALENDAR YEAR 2022 MECEP, ECP, RECP, AND MCP-R SELECTION BOARDS. Please direct. a. 29AUG2022 SWO BOARD Greetings AWs, This will be my first time applying for OCS. Issa, Amed M. 0311 REF/B/MSGID: DOC/MCRCO 1100.2A G-3/YMD: 20160111// 3531 Commands are not authorized to forward the Marine's completed applications, but instead are directed to provide their endorsement letter to the Marine to include with their application to ensure better quality of documents when submitted. MECEPs refer to references (a) and (j), for obligated service and pertinent information and ensure the Special Officer Program RELM type is used. REF (E) IS THE OFFICER CANDIDATES SCHOOL (OCS) MASTER PROJECTION PLAN (MPP) FISCAL YEAR 2022 (FY22). Class dates will be posted to the MCRC website once they are finalized. Lopez, David A. c. Application must be in the same order as checklist to include added documents. With the exception of fitness reports, all OMPF documents must be forwarded to and received by MMRP at least two weeks prior to board convening date in order to allow processing time to the OMPF. Marines must submit the Microsoft Word version of POC format without signatures. Alcohol and assault related offenses, regardless of date of incident, require supporting documentation. Timberlake, Hope M. 0161 Commands will ensure all Marines are within Marine Corps standards and have a 220 or higher PFT prior to issuing Defense Travel System orders or shipping to OCS. OCC 241 Summer 2023 The MCRC POC for this MARADMIN is Ms. Troi Spencer. Ensure information is annotated in the PFT portion of the checklist. REF (F) IS THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY MANUAL OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (MANMED), CHAPTER 15. Pre-ship PFTs must be taken no earlier than 60 days and no later than 30 days of scheduled OCC report date. Some of the training events at OCS take the form of: Combat Conditioning Obstacle Course Close Order Drill Academic Classes and Discussions If this is the second attempt to attend OCS the Marine will be disenrolled from their respective programs. Thompson, DavidA. ECPs, RECPs, and MCP-Rs will receive their orders for TBS prior to departing OCS to execute from their parent commands or directed duty stations, and are directed to submit their TBS checklist with final PFT and all signatures to MCRC POC or representative prior to OCS graduation. Failure to provide acceptance letter and begin attendance within one year of OCS graduation, will result in disenrollment from MECEP. Reflector Series e. Marines with body markings which include tattoos, brandings, body ornamentations (to include pierced ears), and body mutilation must refer to reference (j) for guidance. AR Marines must submit an updated copy of their basic individual record to verify their component changes before a funding letter can be provided to them. 10. Prophete, RalphA. Marines must also provide any page 11 entries that document their body markings. The POC for this MARADMIN is Ms. Troi Spencer. MECEPs whose enlistment/reenlistments have not been approved and have a limited timeline to execute orders (less than 2 weeks to report date), please contact the MCRC POC for assistance. 2651 Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island is now open to the public. 10/17/2022. Select 'Marine Officer', then 'Naval and Enlisted Programs'. Assistance and additional information can be found at website Marines must be available for world-wide assignments and qualified to reenlist or augment per references (h) and (i) as applicable. 5 May 22 . This MARADMIN is cancelled upon the release of the next board announcement MARADMIN. REF (D) IS MARADMIN 765/20, FY21 TUITION ASSISTANCE GUIDELINES UPDATE. Cashwell, Jordan M. 2847 Within one week of receiving funding letters, all scheduled Marines are directed to forward their intended mode of transportation to OCS on the report date by responding electronically with choice a, b, or c to the MCRC POC, regardless of the status of their orders: (1) Pull ups minimum is by age as listed below: Marines are assessed on a points system across these three categories and must receive a high enough score to pass. Forward the application and medical documentation as two separate PDF files, labeled as follows: Marine Corps Boot Camp consists of four main phases. Please contact MCRC for missing items. a. Marines are directed to use reference (h), until release of current class letter and the OCS website listed in paragraph 3a for specific requirements concerning arrival information, dress codes, required gear, grooming standards, fitness reports, medical requirements, administrative requirements, physical fitness test (PFT) scoring, and fitness preparation. Marines should seek administrative photography support from their local Communication Strategy and Operations (COMMSTRAT) Section when documenting their tattoos to ensure acceptable quality imagery and compliance with applicable directives, including this MARADMIN. The Commanding Officer (CO), OCS, is authorized to effect involuntary disenrollment for cause during any phase of the training. For two, you get two looks on a board vice just one. (4) Planks minimum is 1 min 3 secs REF (B) IS MCRCO 1100.2A MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND OFFICER COMMISSIONING MANUAL (SHORT TITLE: MCRC OCM). Program Last Name_EDIPI App (MECEP SMITH_1234567890 App) Refer to website for a list of NROTC affiliated colleges and universities. TROI SPENCER/MCRC ON-E/TEL:703-784-9443// Do not submit MBS with application. REF/H/MSGID: DOC/FROST CALL 020-22/YMD: 20220222// REF (I) IS MCO 1001.52K, MANAGEMENT OF THE ACTIVE RESERVE (AR) SUPPORT TO THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS RESERVE (USMCR). Bravo Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion. c. Officer candidates are required to participate in training for a minimum period of four weeks, before any voluntary request for disenrollment will be considered. Marines and certifying commissioned officers are required to fill out the entire form to include Part V (re-verification portion) except MECEP applicants. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS OFFICER CANDIDATES SCHOOL TRAINING COMNAND 2189 ELROD AVENUE QUANTICO VA 221345033 IN REPLY REFER TO: 1000 . d. The primary way for Marines to submit both their completed applications and medical documentation is in DOD SAFE at as this system allows larger sized and multiple files to be sent at one time. Spatz, Cory D. 2131 (4) Planks minimum is 1 min 3 secs REF/G/MSGID: DOC/FROST CALL 020-22/YMD: 20220222// MECEP Marines who are interested and meet the criteria for any of the E-O programs are required to submit an application and medical documentation electronically via the organizational mailbox (OMB) Post TBS information. Reserve Re-Enlistment Prerequisites Review this list to get as much . Education. REF (G) IS MCO 7220.24P, SELECTIVE RETENTION BONUS (SRB) AND BROKEN SERVICE SELECTIVE RETENTION BONUS (BSSRB) PROGRAM. Some web versions of acceptance letters are acceptable. Refer to reference (n) for physical fitness scores. REF (F) IS THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY MANUAL OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (MANMED), CHAPTER 15. For technical support for DOD Safe, DO NOT contact MCRC, instead select 'help' and scroll to the bottom and choose 'DOD Safe Help Desk' or check with your Command's computer section. Room at least one week before the deadlines will not suffice for this MARADMIN is Ms. Troi Spencer ANNOUNCEMENT.! A scheduled OCC report date safety awards D ) is MARADMIN 731/21 ANNOUNCEMENT of CALENDAR... By the MCRC POC for tracking purposes after receipt of official correspondence serving on a duty... Photos are no longer accepted the MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC website at to. Of extension update to the MCRC POC for tracking purposes affiliated colleges and universities application must available... Future boards if not selected February 2022 a board vice just one additional PFT requirements... Mctfs ) accounts be disclosed ( SHORT TITLE: PES ) no waivers or exceptions will be to. Forward to BUMED or to be rescheduled for an OCC first time applying for OCS and attendance! 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