Page 414. [30] Lawson, Nigel. On any measure, Scargill was a failure who brought hardship down on those who followed him, now a pitiful figure. London: Pan Books, an Imprint of Pan Macmillan, 2017. In 1958, he attended the World Federation of Trade Unions youth congress in Prague. Former Scargill loyalist Jimmy Kelly, a miner at the Edlington Main pit near Doncaster in the 1980s, said he was astonished to learn of the attempt to buy the flat. Page 164. Page 70. This website uses cookies, you can find out more and set your preferences here. ." It is a world of despair, of ashes, and coldness, and darkness, and the setting acts as a . # End WordPress. //--> The two men had been convicted of the murder of David Wilkie, a taxi driver, by throwing a block of concrete from a bridge onto his car. Barnsley: Wharncliffe, 2002. [16] One branch of the NUM, at Annesley in Nottinghamshire, put forward a vote of no confidence in Scargill in autumn 1983 following his comments on these matters, but Scargill defeated this at a December meeting and won a vote of confidence instead. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of In May 2009, he was a candidate for the Socialist Labour Party for one of London's seats in the European Parliament. [19] The NUM had previously held three ballots on a national strike, all of which rejected the proposal: 55% voted against in January 1982, and 61% voted against in both October 1982 and March 1983.[20]. Assess the view that the main reason for the failure of the miners strike in 1984 was the leadership of Arthur Scargill. Accessed October 11, 2018. September 09, 2018. his position on freedom movements In communist states such as Poland, was unforgivable He is rightly labelled a Stalinist, along with Corbyn. This is true as we know that Thatchers government backed down from a confrontation with the trade unions in its first parliament in 1979-83 as the government felt like it needed more time in order to stock pile coal in preparation for the next inevitable strike. Nigel Lawson describes how the government were able to persuade the working miners to cross the violent picket lines; Those who continued to work were portrayed as heroes (and behind the scenes a considerable amount of private money was raised to help them resist the Scargillite intimidation)[30]. [16] Wakefield, Arthur, and Brian Elliot. His father, Harold, was a miner and a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. The Guardian. If being ignored is the ultimate retribution forscargill, then he is a lucky man, for if he had espoused his views in some of the countrieswith which he wanted to align us, his best outcome would have been breaking rocks but more likely he would have disappeared never to be heard of again. Can you add one ? [49], After stepping down from leadership of the NUM, Scargill became active in the UK's Stalin Society[50] saying that the "ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin explain the real world". In his diary he documents the battle at Orgreave on Monday 18th of June, 1984; Ive never seen so many of our lads altogether, it brought tears to my eyes[16]. jQuery(function() { London: Verso, 2014. [4] He joined the Young Communist League in 1955, becoming its Yorkshire District Chair in 1956 and shortly after a member of its National Executive Committee. He cannot resist pointing out parallels in all times and places. Marching to the Fault Line: The 1984 Miners Strike and the Battle for Industrial Britain. Essay Writing Service. (You may need to consult other articles and resources for that information.). September 09, 2018. July 31, 2013. (1998), The third way : the promise of industrial democracy, Lawrence, Dennis, The failure of the miners strike in 1984 has been seen by many as the result of bad leadership of the head of the NUM, Arthur Scargill, the lack of support for the strike as well as giving credit to the governments preparations. If you go to your temporary url (http://ip/~username/) and get this error, there maybe a problem with the rule set stored in an .htaccess file. Therefore government preparations was definitely a factor in the failure of the miners strike but to what extent, can be argued. He gained fame for using the tactic to win the Battle of Saltley Gate in 1972, and made it his main tactical device in the 1984 strike. [8], Scargill was a leader of the unofficial strike in 1969, which began in Yorkshire and spread across the country. [54] He gave a rare television interview to ITV News at that time. Having examined a range of factors which led to the failure of the miners strike in 1984, it has become clear that it was easy to just blame the leadership of Arthur Scargill as the ultimate factor that led to the strikes failure. Seumas Milne argues that the miners had sued the police for assault, wrongful arrest, malicious persecution and false imprisonment and then went on to describe the battle of Orgreaves as an 8,000 riot police staged medieval-style mounted charges of unprecedented ferocity[33]. Another controversial action that Thatcher took was giving the police ultimate power during the strike. Arthur Scargill: We Could Surrender or Stand and Fight. The Guardian. Thats why he can write one third of the worlds workers those who live in the Stalinist states out of the class struggle, allotting them no role but to support their socialist rulers. Add the following snippet of code to the top of your .htaccess file: # BEGIN WordPress Riddled with Stalinist politics and practice and some of the worst sectarianism imaginable, it has no meaningful existence today. The strike of 1984 was covered in detail by the press. The motto, An injury to one is an injury to all, applies world-wide. [26], There is a prevailing view that Arthur Scargill, the NUM National President, called the strike. March 10, 2004. He lost on both occasions, winning 2.4% of the vote in Hartlepool at the 2001 general election. Page 341. January 07, 2000. ", Old Labour party constiturion, Clause 4 part IV, Yorkshire Area of the National Union of Mineworkers, "Arthur Scargill joins Battle of Saltley Gate 40th anniversary celebration", "The Nottinghamshire Miners, The Union of Democratic Mineworkers and the 198485 Miners' Strike: Scabs or Scapegoats? [12] Evans, Eric J. Thatcher and Thatcherism. However, Thatcher, herself, has discredited this view saying He (Arthur Scargill) was making wild claims that the CEGB had only eight weeks of coal stocks. July 31, 2013. The myth of workers' control The myth of workers' control by Arthur Scargill, Peggy- Kahn Filter Results Shipping Eligible for Free Shipping Expedited Shipping Available Item Condition Seller Rating Other Options Change Currency + Add to Wishlist All All Copies ( 0 ) Currently there are no copies available. Scargill, Arthur. Aucun commentaire n'a t trouv aux emplacements habituels. The myth of workers' control by Arthur Scargill 0 Ratings 0 Want to read 0 Currently reading 0 Have read Overview View 2 Editions Details Reviews Lists Related Books Publish Date 1980 Publisher University of Leeds, University of Nottingham Language English Pages 22 This edition doesn't have a description yet. Beyond Service: State Workers, Public Policy, and the Prospects for Tous les rsultats Google Recherche de Livres». This lack of support can be blamed on the leadership of Arthur Scargill; therefore, the leadership of Arthur Scargill is a more important factor in the failure of the miners strike in 1985. Downing Street Years. March 07, 2009. Accessed October 10, 2018. the Miners Strike could have won. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. It was a defining moment in British industrial relations, and its defeat significantly weakened the trade union movement. [he fails to see that] the working class is a world class. I've always said that if Arthur can no longer control the NUM, he'll try and destroy it. He was not addressed or greeted from the platform, though as Honorary Life President of the NUM it might be expected, as a courtesy if nothing else, that his presence would be acknowledged. Harpercollins Publishers, 2012. [40] Tony Benn. Wikipedia. This varies by browser, if you do not see a box on your page with a red X try right clicking on the page, then select View Page Info, and goto the Media Tab. This article, far from being full of lies, hit the nail, well and truly, on the head. The miners had already built up a fearsome reputation as the shock troops for organised labour and during his time as leader of the Yorkshire coalfield, Mr Scargill had rarely been out of the news. Happily, his saintly wife spent her time, during his period of madness, doing all she could to bring practical help and comfort to the hardest hit families. For addon domains, the file must be in public_html/ and the names are case-sensitive. The most notable of these being the Women Against Pit Closures (WAPC) mainly made up of miners wives or women that grew up in mining communities. However, Wakefield also mentions the betrayal he felt by the Nottinghamshire miners who continued to work by saying The lads are in good spirits even if the majority of scabs are working. [21] Ridley, Nicholas. These preparations included the Ridley Plan, stockpiling coal, the appointment of Ian McGregor as head of NCB, the involvement of MI5 and MI6 and the introduction of the new trade union laws. Although he never worked at Barrow Colliery in his home village, he was involved in the politics of the branch, where the membership was much more left-wing than in the conservative Woolley Colliery. However, another reason that many people blame Scargill for the downfall of the miners is due to the fact that Scargill authorised the flying picket strategy in order to stop miners going to work. The appointment of Ian McGregor as head of the NCB can be seen as a failure on Thatchers behalf showing that the governments preparations were insufficient to cause the strike to fail. [47], In 1996, Scargill founded the Socialist Labour Party after the Labour Party abandoned the original wording of Clause IV advocating the public democratic ownership[48] of key industries and utilities from their constitution. The appointment of Ian McGregor as head of the NCB can also be argued as a factor in the failure of the strike as he was known to be notoriously formidable had no pity for the poor miners, and was determined to keep them working and living in conditions that no human being should be made to endure[24]. Logger.logCoid("61c4e44a-8d58-45d2-8bc5-5fc2bd749aae"); [9] When Bullough (unwell at the time) attempted to rule Scargill as "out of order", he was voted out by the area's delegates and a strike was declared across Yorkshire on the issue. Person/Body (Historic): University of Leeds and Nottingham. [53], Scargill still occasionally gives interviews and makes appearances. Vast majority of people work retail or asBarristersselling fancycoffee to people on the way to work in offices, most of them on single hour contracts working in retail parks or business parks built on the ground of old mine, steelworks and potteries that used to employ tens of thousands of men and now employ the best part of 100. [43] Marr, Andrew. Travis, Alan. "It's so hypocritical it's unreal," he said. The Enemy Within", Verso 2014. Page 57-59. (1978), CONTESTING THE MARKET: PAY EQUITY AND THE POLITICS OF ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING, Eigart, Deborah M., UK | Politics | Head to Head: The Miners Strike. BBC News. He says Support for the strike was virtually solid not only in old militant areasbut also (at first) in traditionally moderate Lancashire, Durham and Northumberland[19]. Page 342. Arguably, one of the most important factors in the failure of the Miner's Strike in 1984 was the leadership of the head of NUM, Arthur Scargill. However, they have conflicting views on to what extent these preparations were made in order to bring down the unions. My mother was strictly non-political. He mentions how the strikers overtime ban was biting deep into power-station coal stocks and goes on to say If it was allowed to continue until the autumn, managers warned, a twelve-week strike would be enough to put the countrys lights out[26]. When you get a 404 error be sure to check the URL that you are attempting to use in your browser.This tells the server what resource it should attempt to request. However, In , He was right. Therefore, we must conclude that whilst Arthur Scargills leadership was an important factor in the failure of the strike, it would be wrong to assume that this was the main reason as without the lack of support, especially from the Nottinghamshire miners, as well as the governments preparations, such as the stockpiling of coal, the miners strike might not have failed. Margaret Thatcher: From Grocers Daughter to Iron Lady. [5] Benn, Tony. Accessed January 06, 2019. He has contested two parliamentary elections. London: Verso, 2014. The Myth of Workers' Control Arthur Scargill Snippet view - 1980. In any case, the will of the people has decided the UK will leave, we have even had a General Election over the matter. This is unfair as after the NCB accidently announced pit closures, the strike gained momentum very quickly forcing Scargill to just go along with it. On the 20th of July 1984, Thatcher gave a speech to the 1922 committee where she deemed the miners as the enemy within going on to say We had to fight the enemy without, in the Falklands. //--> The Enemy Within: The Secret War against the Miners. Scargill had the ability to do great things; Pity he got in the way of his own opportunities, and could not see Communism as a failed ideology that blighted every country in which it held sway. [45] Milne, Seumas. My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years. ",confirmEmpty: "Are you sure you want to empty your clipboard? Accessed January 06, 2019. However, we have to be careful when using Thatcher as a source as she may be trying to give more credit to her successes and deflecting her failures onto other people such as Ian McGregor. (1983), Restructuring the employment relationship, Gallie, Duncan, Page 151. The View from No. Woods, Alan. Page 341. This is given credence by the fact that Scargill authorised these violent tactics, which decreased public sympathy for the Miners which was actually their greatest asset[10]. Just click. Harpercollins Publishers, 2012. The union is known for leading the longest as well as the most violent miners` strike in the history of British history. Shankland's and Hancock's life sentences for murder were reduced to eight years for manslaughter on appeal. ",viewBookBag: "View clipboard",addBookBag: "Add to clipboard",removeBookBag: "Remove from clipboard",itemsAddBag: "item(s) added to your clipboard",itemsInBag: "item(s) are either already in your clipboard or could not be added",bookbagMax: "100",bookbagFull: "Your clipboard is Full",bookbagStatusFull: "Full",no_tags: "No Tags"}; Scargill, Arthur, (1978) CONTESTING THE MARKET: PAY EQUITY AND THE POLITICS OF ECONOMIC . "Our communities are now just about dead on their feet." The strike started in Yorkshire in March . [37], The South Wales area leader, Des Dutfield, moved that Scargill should stand down and face re-election, but the motion was defeated. Arthur Scargill and Peggy Kahn. [51] Scargill criticised Poland's Solidarity calling it an "anti-socialist organisation which desires the overthrow of a socialist state", which Scargill saw as deformed but reformable. (1998), Persistent link:, Occasional papers in industrial relations. This had great implications for regional relations in the NUM; the executive was described as dominated by "Gormley's rotten boroughs", since every region even quite small ones had one delegate, and the larger regions had only a few more (Scotland and South Wales had two delegates each, Yorkshire had three). Exciting, witty Arthur Scargill brought coalmining to a close in Britain far faster than would have happened had the NUM been led by some prevaricating, dreary old-style union hack. //-->, Unions on the board : an experiment in industrial democracy, Batstone, Eric, Nothing good about it. Look for the .htaccess file in the list of files. Brexit: Labour movement debate, not talk with Tories! [9] He had challenged Sam Bullough, the President of the Yorkshire area NUM, to act on the working hours of surface workers, given that the union's conference had passed a resolution that their hours be shortened the previous year. The End of an Era Diaries 1980-90. Industrial Democracy in Italy: Workers Co-ops and the Self-management Debate Mark Holmstrom, Mark Holmstrm Snippet view - 1989. Therefore, the argument that the government limited its role to upholding law and order in the dispute is faulty as many of the people who were downplaying the governments actions are known Thatcherites and consequently had ulterior motives. RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] In this example the file must be in public_html/example/Example/. A secret record is kept of the time at which all workers arrive and leave each day. Staff members suddenly taken ill, or with long-standing medical appointments, require his personal consent to be absent from the office. [31] Campbell, John. This article about a political figure is a stub. This was seen as violent and was deemed illegal. The Enemy Within: M15, Maxwell and the Scargill Affair. RewriteRule . It was a major political victory for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party. It was alleged that, of the money donated from Libya, Scargill took 29,000 for his own bridging loan and 25,000 for his home in Yorkshire, but gave only 10,000 to the striking Nottinghamshire miners. Either way, please contact your web host immediately. The strike was called under Rule 41 of the NUM rule book, which said that local strikes can be made official by the National Executive without a ballot. London: Corgi Books, 1993. Bone figurines of waterbirds made about 16,000 B. C., which were found in Mal'ta in Siberia, share the symbolism of the wild gander . Page 316, [3] Harris, Robert. Accessed October 12, 2018. This source is reliable as Kim Howells was a member of the NUM at the time of the strike but still discredits Scargills tactics. Read online at, Submitted by AWL on 18 September, 2019 - 11:48, Letters: Hands off Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, Holodomor: the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33, Tubeworker (London Underground) (bulletin), Off the Rails (national rail workers) (bulletin), Off the Rails (national rail workers) (blog), Notts Off the Rails (Nottingham rail workers) (bulletin), On Guard (Sheffield rail workers) (bulletin). However, he does give credit to the harsh tactics taken by the miners that may have cut out any support for the Nottinghamshire miners; The only legitimate question that may be raised about the tactics of the NUM nationally was whether the Yorkshire miners, by picketing Nottinghamshire so early and so vigorously, alienated those they were seeking to influence. Neil Kinnock even compared Scargill with a general who wanted another Gallipoli[3]. The Miners Strike Day by Day: The Illustrated 1984-85 Diary of Yorkshire Miner Arthur Wakefield. They were released from prison in November 1989. It's easy to mock Arthur Scargill. Regardless, we have to be careful when using Arthur Wakefield as a source as his diary entries will reflect his heightened emotions after a day of striking that may not truly reflect the real situation. The End of an Era Diaries 1980-90. London: Pan Books, an Imprint of Pan Macmillan, 2017. Page 317. Downing Street Years. See also V. L. Allen, The Militancy of the British Miners (1981); N. Hagger, Scargill the Stalinist (1984); and "What Drives Arthur Scargill?"The Sunday Times of London (July 15, 1984).. [35] Negotiations between Scargill and the NUM took place in France. "It was Thatcher's legislation, actually giving council tenants the right to buy their own houses. Robert Taylor depicts Scargill as an 'industrial Napoleon' who called a strike 'at the wrong time' on the 'wrong issue', and adopted strategies and tactics that were 'impossibilist', with 'an inflexible list of extravagant non-negotiable demands' that amounted to 'reckless adventurism' that was 'a dangerous, self-defeating delusion'. On platforms that enforce case-sensitivity example and Example are not the same locations. The Anatomy of Thatcherism. However, we have to question Lawsons motives behind this, as he may have naturally blamed Scargill for the failure of the strike to protect his political reputation as it legitimises his role in opposing the strike. However, it can be argued that the government limited its role in upholding law and order in a dispute between the NUM and the NCB. X27 ; control Arthur Scargill, the NUM, he attended the World Federation of Trade Unions youth congress Prague! 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